In 1989, a cadre of alumni started the Historic Frederick Douglass High School Alumni Association in order to encourage and develop pride, prestige, and partnership among the alumni, staff, students, and community.

Calling Fellow Alumni to support our students and staff throughout the 2024-2025 School Year!


2024 New Officers

  • President Kevin Jackson
  • 1st Vice Pres. Yolonda Scott
  • 2nd Vice Pres. Torreantoe Smalls
  • Corres Secty. Rhonda Kershaw
  • Recording Secty.  Dorne Lyles
  • Financial Secty. Patricia Cherry
Supreme Court Justices at FDHS


Douglass community participated in an amazing opportunity to see the Maryland State Supreme Court oral arguments in person at Douglass.


“on the bench”

Laura Schulz, Assistant Principal, shared a very special book that was brought to the school by the Supreme Court and kept “on the bench”. It’s a book that all lawyers sign when they join the Bar in Maryland. She was not sure how far this practice goes, but this volume contained the year 1933. This version is special because it contains a signature from Douglass Alumni, the Late Honorable Thurgood Marshall – pretty cool!!

Courting Arts FDHS Awardees

Congratulations Jamiry & Tanaja, 12th Graders!

2nd Place FDHS Awardee

About Courting Art Baltimore
Courting Art is a program that promotes youth artwork, connects the legal community with local communities of Baltimore City, and aims to reduce stress and anxiety for litigants and visitors by beautifying local courthouses. Originally hosted by the District Court of Maryland and in partnership with the Baltimore Bar Foundation, Incorporated and the Bar Association of Baltimore City, the contest is open to all Baltimore City public high school students. Courting Art Baltimore also collaborates with Baltimore City Public Schools, Arts Every Day, and the College Bound Foundation to achieve success each year since its first contest in 2016. Courting Art Baltimore also connects Baltimore City students with a local community college and provides scholarships to the winning artists to pursue higher education after high school.

 [Courting Arts Baltimore 2024 Press Release Finalist Reception]

Click, Complete application, Choose Payment type and become a Volunteer! Just that easy. Share your ideas, skills and expertise with other alumni, FDHS Staff and students. Increase the community with “Pride, Dignity and Excellence”.

To support the Alumni Association with a personal gift, class gift, a memorial gift or scholarship, click the “Donations Welcome!” button to complete the donation form. Let’s grow forward together!

Click Membership, Meetings and Events below for more info

Alumni Membership

Click image and become a member online, Stay in touch here, email, and social media.

Alumni Meetings

Click image for more details! Executive Board meets 2nd Wednesday monthly. General Membership meets 3rd Thursday monthly. And Board Members meet quarterly (Sept/Dec/Mar/Jun).

Alumni Events

Click image to view Alumni sponsor events and activities to raise funds for scholarships and student's needs.

On behalf of the Executive Board of the Historic Frederick Douglass High School Alumni Association, Inc. I extend my sincere gratitude for your support, commitment and dedication to the Alumni Association. We want to continue to support the students at our Alma Mater.

Our goals are to sponsor events and activities for the Alumni. These activities will enhance our school’s environment, perpetuate its legacy of “Pride, Dignity and Excellence”, and provide a voice for the alumni and friends of Frederick Douglass High School in City and State government. Additionally, we raise revenue for scholarships and for assisting students in need.

Finally, the Association focuses on providing our Alumni with social and cultural events that will immortalize the Spirit of Frederick Douglass High School.

This quarter our newsletter highlights several Black History notables that attended Frederick Douglass High school. As we embrace the legacy that each of us are a part of, let us continue to support our students to become the “history makers” of tomorrow.

Johnnie Foreman, Jr.
HFDHSAA Chairperson

Our Mascot The Mighty Duck

The Publications Committee of the Association is charged with the responsibility of serving as the conduit that is the mouthpiece and intermediary for the leadership and membership. It is the goal of the Alumni Association to compose and distribute the Informant with current news, four times a year. We don’t know unless you tell us. Submit past and current alumni news to JoAnn Barnes (