Historic FDHS Alumni Association

In 1978 the Frederick Douglass High School Alumni Association was formed.  At that time, permanent officers were elected and on September 17, 1978 the installation of those officers was held in a service at Union Baptist Church.  Mr. Hannibal Mickens, Jr. was installed as president.

The Association’s objectives are to involve all alumni, students, faculty and community stakeholders in making Frederick Douglass High School the institution for learning that will once again produce the qualified high school student, who is absolutely capable of entering into the profession/career of his or her choice with no fear or reservation with regard to educational and moral preparation.

We take extreme pride in the role that Frederick Douglass High School has played in the history of both Baltimore City and the State of Maryland.  We take great pride in the contributions that our alumni have made to this country. 

Our alumni truly epitomize our motto:  “Pride, Dignity and Excellence”. 

If you are not a member of the Alumni Association, please join us. We need your time, talents, ideas and money.  Think of how our voices, combined could aid education at Frederick Douglass High School and all Baltimore City Public Schools.  It’s great to have our own class organization and many classes have been organized for years.  Just think of what the classes combined could do.  Bring your fantastic ideas to our Alumni meetings which are held at 6:00 P.M. on the third Thursday of each month (when school is in session) at Frederick Douglass High School in the Alumni Office (located outside the cafeteria).  We look forward to your participation.