
Stay Connected!

Becoming a member of the HFDHSAA, is as easy as clicking the button below to fill out the membership application information and make your secure payment online. Another way to stay connected with us along with joining the Alumni Association, is to follow the Association on Facebook. We will recognize new members, announce Alumni Association events, community and school events, and other information that will keep you connected to FDHS.  We will continue to publish The Informant Newsletter that is mailed to all dues paying members four times each year, and it will now be posted on this website also. On every third Thursday from September to June we invite you to attend the General Membership Meeting during which you will have an opportunity to have a voice in the Association by sharing your ideas and/or joining a committee. If you are interested in supporting our school and the alumni association in any capacity, join us now by clicking the button below.

Join Us Now!

If you prefer printing the application to submit your check by mail, click the below weblink and print. Or click the Download button to save the application to your computer or device for later submission.