Message from the President

It is with sincere gratitude and appreciation that I thank the nominating committee and the general membership for your demonstration of confidence and trust in my ability to lead the Historic Frederick Douglass High School Alumni Association, Inc. (HFDHSAA, Inc.) The vetting process and subsequent election were both incredibly arduous and enlightening.  Being elected to lead the Association as your President is one of the highest honors that can be bestowed upon an alumnus.

During my time spent as a student at Frederick Douglass High School (FDHS), I was afforded a quality academic education and social experience by a cadre of outstanding administrators, teachers and guidance counselors.  Additionally, this nucleus of outstanding educators provided opportunities for me to learn and develop leadership skills by serving on several boards, committees, and sports teams.  I graduated from FDHS equipped with the skill set needed to be successful.  My experiences as a student here made it possible for me to earn my bachelor’s and master’s degrees and serve in a variety of leadership positions, before however, being elected to this position as President of the HFDHSAA, Inc., is the pinnacle of my achievements.  

Much has changed since most of us graduated from Frederick Douglass High School.  Our school is the second oldest High School in the nation created for the education of African American youth. It was once West Baltimore’s apex of learning that produced thousands of outstanding successful individuals in every imaginable field, yet our school has become one of the city’s lowest performing high schools based on Maryland State Department of Education standardized testing.   Baltimore like many urban areas in the U.S. today is overwhelmed with problems like crime, poverty, drug addiction and other maladies.   Our school is a microcosm of Baltimore City and our school is in dire need of an all-encompassing restoration.   

As your President, I intend to guide the Association in its quest to use all our physical and human resources to help reinstate FDHS as the excellent academic hub of the community.  We will achieve this by focusing on the following: (a) To preserve and enhance the honor and good name of  Frederick Douglass High School; (b) To develop and disseminate historical facts concerning the school and its contributions to society; (c) To support and work with the principal, faculty, staff, parents and students of Frederick Douglass High School in advancing and preserving its traditions and legacy of high social standards, academic excellence, and leadership; (d) To support the enhancement and transformation of the curriculum that will prepare FDHS graduates for college, trade/technical school, entrepreneurship and participation in the 21st Century workplace; and (e) To work to preserve the traditions of FDHS and the legacy of pride, dignity, and excellence (school’s motto).

Yes! The regeneration of our alma mater will take time and resources, but most of all it will need the support of a group of individuals with unconditional commitment and love for our school.  I believe that The Historic Frederick Douglass High School Alumni Association, Inc. is ready for the tasks. 

“Hail O’ Douglass High!!”

Johnnie L. Foreman, Jr. ‘68 President